坦格塢序曲 Tanglewood Overture
賈斯珀~夢想的領航員 JASPER~A Navigator to the Dreams
最後獨角獸的呼喚 Cry of the Last Unicorn
千尋 神隱少女 Spirited Away
天空之城 Castle in the Sky
散步 來自龍貓的變奏曲 Variations on Sampo from My Neighbor Totoro
帶我回家, 鄉村小路 Take Me Home, Country Roads
吉卜力組曲 Ghibli Medley
幽靈公主Highlights from Princess Mononoke
「天空之城」選粹 Highlights from Castle in the Sky
「霍爾的移動城堡」選粹 Highlights from Howl’s Moving Castle
「千與千尋 」選粹 Highlights from Spirited Away
「龍貓」選粹 Highlights from My Neighbor Totoro
「魔女宅急便 」選粹 Highlights from Kiki’s Delivery Service
「風之谷」選粹 Highlights from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
鷹眼 Eye of the Hawk
奧德修斯和塞壬 Odysseus and the Sirens
粉碎窗口 Smash the Windows
城市下的雨 City Rain
天界之舞 Danse Celestiale
火焰女神 Goddess Of Fire
杜拉摩爾聖地 Lord Tullamore
奔向怒濤 Into The Raging River
阿帕拉契遺跡 Appalachian Legacy
莊嚴景象 A Vision of Majesty
愛爾蘭傳說 Ireland:Of Legend And Lore
諸神的命運 Fate of the Gods
醉飲之舞 Danse Bacchanale
藍天禮讚 Hymn to the Infinite Sky
羅塔菲亞 Ratafia
鷹與雲雀未涉之境 Where Never Lark Or Eagle Flew
聖路易精神號 The Spirit of St.Louis
女巫與聖者 The Witch And The Saint
如鷹展翅飛翔 Like the Eagle, We Soar and Rise
自由的雕像 Portrait of Freedom
西貢小姐 Miss Saigon
英雄們的存在 In the Presence of Heroes
鬼舞 Ghost Dances
黎明共枕 At Dawn They Slept