再次-神隱少女選粹 ふたたび -「千と千尋の神隠し」より
The Nineties: Decade of Music 90年代精選
George of the Jungle 森林泰山
Pi's Lullaby (from Life of Pi) 少年派的奇幻漂流
怒火赤子心 Foxfire
金剛電影原聲帶 King Kong Soundtrack Highlights
神鬼奇航- 聚魂棺 Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man's Chest
Dry Your Tears, Afrika (勇者無懼) Dry Your Tears, Afrika (from Amistad)
魔法黑森林精選 Selections from Into the Woods
34街的奇蹟序曲 Overture to Miracle on 34th Street
瘋狂大賽車精選 Selections from The Great Race
瘋狂理髮師精選 Selections from Sweeney Todd
阿凡達原聲帶精選 Avatar Soundtrack Highlights
國王與我 - 交響組曲 Symphonic Highlights from The King and I
達特穆爾,1912 (戰馬) Dartmoor, 1912 (from War Horse)
小鬼當家精選 Selections from Home Alone
神秘博士 I Am the Doctor (from Doctor Who)
星光列車節選 Selections from Starlight Express
酒祭之舞 - 參孫和達麗拉 Danse Bacchanale (from Samson and Delilah)
侏儸紀公園 - 交響組曲 Jurassic World (Symphonic Suite)
獅子王原聲帶精選 /The Lion King: Soundtrack Highlights
屋頂上的提琴手交響樂 Symphonic Dances from Fiddler on the Roof
西城故事裡的四種舞蹈歌曲 Four Dances from West Side Story
火爆浪子節選 Selections from Grease
神鬼奇航3:世界的盡頭(交響樂組曲)Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Symphonic Highlights
歌劇魅影精選 Phantom of the Opera, Selections From
錯音散拍 The Wrong Note Rag
星艦迷航記交響組曲 Symphonic Suite from Star Trek
星際大戰:原力覺醒 Symphonic Suite from Star Wars: The Force Awakens
叛亂重生 The Rebellion Is Reborn
阿拉丁 Aladdin, Selections from
星際大戰 Star Wars Saga
美國隊長進行曲 Captain America March
柯拉基警官,有何貴干? - 西城故事 Gee, Officer Krupke (from West Side Story)
冰雪奇緣 Symphonic Highlights from “Frozen”
西城故事樂團精選 West Side Story – Selections for Band
辛德勒的名單主題 Theme from Schindler's List
侏儸紀公園配樂選粹 Jurassic Park Soundtrack Highlights
小鬼當家 A Home Alone Christmas
007電影配樂 Bond... James Bond
曼波舞 -西城故事 Mambo (from West Side Story)
超人特攻隊2 Music from “The Incredibles”
Peter Gunn
飛機總動員 Highlights from “Planes”
榮耀 Glory (from Selma)