聖母頌(舒伯特)艾倫的第3號 アヴェ・マリア(F.シューベルト) エレンの歌 第3番 [鋼琴伴奏・附演奏 CD]
系列/series: 【中音薩克斯風獨奏】
作曲/composer: Franz P. Schubert
編曲/arranger: 川口 力
出版公司/publisher: Winds score
樂曲解說/program note:
“ [[弗朗茲·舒伯特(1863-1945)奧地利作曲家–舒伯特通過在傳統伴奏中表達深刻的音樂表達,以和諧的方式支持這首歌中的旋律,從而創造了數量眾多的德國藝術歌曲。 維也納古典作曲家,在浪漫主義的曙光中,以古典形式展示了遙遠的方法。沃爾特·斯科特(Walter Scott)的史詩《湖中美景》(Beauty on the Lake)德語譯本中的第六首歌《埃倫的第三首歌》成為 通常被稱為“舒伯特大道瑪麗亞(Schubert's Ave Maria)”。這不是禮拜儀式,而是純潔的少女梅琳·埃倫跪在瑪麗雕像前,
"[Franz Schubert (1863-1945) Austrian composer] ━ Schubert established a German art song with an overwhelming number of works by giving a deep musical expression to the conventional accompaniment that only harmoniously supports the melody in the song. While being considered a late Vienna classical composer, he was in the dawn of the Romantics, showing the remote method in classical form. The sixth song in the German translation of Walter Scott's epic "Beauty on the Lake", "Elen's Song No. 3," came to be commonly known as "Schubert's Ave Maria." Not a liturgy, but a pure innocent figure of Maiden Ellen kneeling in front of a statue of Mary standing on a rock by the lake and praying that her father's sins will be forgiven. Being supported by an accompaniment like a lyre, the clear romanticism is hidden behind the beauty of classical form and consonance, so it does not give sadness or tension to the listener. "
Alto Saxophone / Piano
【Alto Sax獨奏】聖母頌(舒伯特)艾倫的第3號 アヴェ・マリア(F.シューベルト) エレンの歌 第3番 [鋼琴伴奏・附演奏 CD]