交響第一樂章大天使 Symphony No.1 The Archangels/Franco Cesarini
系 列:Concert Band 室內管樂團
作 曲:Franco Cesarini
出版公司:Hal leonard
The Swiss composer Franco Cesarini has waited a long time to write his first symphony and after years of considering and drafting, this Symphony No. 1 – The Archangels is a vast composition consisting of highly dramatic language, intense thematic developments and frequent polyphonic elaborations. The thematic material is taken from old Gregorian melodies that form the basis for the entire work, which is, despite the title, a non-programmatic work. It consists out of 4 movements: Gabriel, the gentle archangel; the supreme healer Raphael; the energetic archangel Michael, the Prince of the heavenly host; and surprisingly the archangel Urile, the “forgotten” archangel. A true masterpiece and a fantastic musical challenge!
交響第一樂章大天使 Symphony No.1 The Archangels/Franco Cesarini