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恐懼深淵:失落之船 Erebus and Terror:The Lost Ships

恐懼深淵:失落之船 Erebus and Terror:The Lost Ships


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        : 室內管樂團 Concert Band

作       曲:Travis Weller    


演奏時間: 03:50





This Victor López work evokes images of excitement, bravery and sorrow as “Erebus and Terror: The Lost Ships” retells the story of the Sir John Franklin expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. Beginning with anticipation as the explorers depart their homeland, the rousing melodic theme is written for clarinet, horn and alto saxophone. The excitement of the journey turns melancholic for a few moments, as the gravity of their journey sinks in, but their courage is again renewed as the trumpets tell the story. A haunting flute and oboe duet foreshadows the inevitable crash portrayed with strong chromatic dissonances, into the ice and the loss of both ships and their crews. The journey has ended for these men, but their story lives on and Sir John Franklin is remembered as a hero due to his valuable contributions to the development of Canada’s north. Highly recommended!

恐懼深淵:失落之船 Erebus and Terror:The Lost Ships

庫存單位: 012-4468-00


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