【靈活編制】愛國珍寶 A Patriotic Treasure
系列 : 靈活編制/Flexible(4聲部+1打擊樂)作 曲 : 傳統歌曲演
編曲 : Scott Stanton
級數 : 2.5
奏時間 : 03分45秒
出版公司 : BarnHouse
商品編號 : 026-3885-00
An outstanding choice for any group with very limited instrumentation, Scott Stanton’s original arrangement includes America, America the Beautiful and The Star Spangled Banner. From the “Build-A-Band” Series, it is playable with virtually any instrumentation as long as all four of the main parts are covered and it also includes optional parts for Mallets, Guitar, Keyboards, Strings, and Percussion. All three pieces can be performed separately if desired and it will provide an impressive sound even with very small groups.
【靈活編制】愛國珍寶 A Patriotic Treasure
庫存單位: 026-3885-00