歷史的巡禮-永恆的絲路/Road of History-Eternal Silkroad
系列/series:室內管樂團套譜/Concert Band Series
作曲/composer:江原大介/Daisuke Ehara
出版公司/publisher:卡穠事業/Canon Art
樂曲解說/program note:
從一開始的管樂獨奏,笛聲的纖細優美顯得古老疆域的浩大, 隨之而後的是充滿未知與神秘的波斯帝國風格,於樂曲最後回到傳統五聲音階,隱喻著回到中國的熟悉歸國感。樂曲上無論聲響、旋律、節奏,使人不禁想像著沿路經過的異國國境,透過樂曲的絲路旅程,一次跨越歐亞大陸 一站站的揭開古老的神秘面紗。
The 'Silk Road' is a household name, which attached China with Western Regions. The historical context of the Silk Road recalls the story of the massive diplomatic events concerning cultural and trade between Western Regions pioneered by Han dynasty diplomat Zhang Qian (died c. 114BC).
The route started at Chang'an city, through Hexi Corridor, arrived at Dunhuang. The route split into two, the southern went pass Kroraina, Khotan, and Yarkant, then went over the Pamir Mountains till Greater Yueh-Chih and Parthian Empire, finally arrived Seleucid Empire and Roman Empire. The western route started from Yarkhoto, Kucha, and Shule, over the Pamir Mountains, and passing Parthian till Roman Empire.The exotic sound of flute from the beginning shows the magnificence of the ancient realm. Afterward emerges the mysterious style of the Persian Empire. The pentatonic scale is presented at the end of the music, implied the nostalgic feeling of returning to China. The acoustic, melody, and rhythm remind audiences' exotic fantasy of the journey, revealing the mysterious appearance of the road across Eurasia.
Flute 1
Flute 2
Oboe (option)
Bassoon (option)
Eb Clarinet (option)
Bb Clarinet 1
Bb Clarinet 2
Bb Clarinet 3
Eb Alto Clarinet(option)
Bb Bass Clarinet
Eb Alto Saxophone 1
Eb Alto Saxophone 2
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Eb Baritone Saxophone
Bb Trumpet 1
Bb Trumpet 2
Bb Trumpet 3
F Horn 1&2
F Horn 3&4
Trombone 1
Trombone 2
Trombone 3
Euphonium T.C.
Euphonium B.C.
Percussion 1
(Snare Drum, Tom-toms, Temple Block, Triangle)
Percussion 2
(Bass Drum, Wind Chimes, Sleigh Bells, Chinese Gong (or Chinese Cymbal))
Percussion 3
(Suspended Cymbal, Hi-hat Tambourine, Tam-tam)
Percussion 4
(Crash Cymbals, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Tubular Bells)
歷史的巡禮-永恆的絲路 Road of History - Eternal Sillkroad