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江河奔流 Where the River Flows

江河奔流 Where the River Flows





        : 室內管樂團 Concert Band

作       曲:James Swearingen
演奏時間:7分12  秒
出版公司:C.L. Barnhouse Co.



A suite in 3 parts based on the story of a young boy who was abducted by a Shawnee Indian hunting party in 1771. The first movement, “The New Frontier” is a bold and majestic section containing the patented Swearingen melodic themes which have made his music so popular. “Bring Back My Child” is a solemn section which includes some sorrowful chanting(optional) by members of the band and some very expressive solo spots for the 1st Clarinet and Flute. The third movement, “Great Chief” has a bright and rhythmic character bringing the suite to a dramatic and exciting climax. 


一個組曲分為三部分,根據1771年Shawnee印第安人狩獵隊綁架的一個小男孩的故事創作而成。第一樂章“The New Frontier”是一個強勁而壯麗的樂章,包涵Swearingen旋律主題, 使得這首曲子如此受歡迎。 “Bring Back My Child”是一個莊嚴的章節,其中包括樂隊成員的一些悲傷吟唱以及第一部單簧管和長笛的獨奏使樂章更富有表現力。 第三樂章“大酋長”具有明亮而有節奏的特點,使組曲有十足的戲劇張力且激勵人心。

江河奔流 Where the River Flows

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