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【薩克斯風獨奏】奧弗涅之歌第一集  | オーヴェルニュの歌 第1集

【薩克斯風奏】奧弗涅之歌第一集  | オーヴェルニュの歌 第1集


作曲/composer:ジョゼフ・カントルーブ(Joseph Canteloube )
出版公司/publisher:Brain music


樂曲解說/program note:
在讀研究所時,我是女高音歌手嶺貞子的鋼琴伴奏。老師的聲音清澈而明亮,因此,我學到了關於「音色」的學問。老師擅長的曲目之一是"Chant d'Auvergne"。在那之後,我聽了很多這首歌的唱片和錄音,但是我從未聽過比老師更豐富多彩的表演。我推薦雲井雅人以薩克斯風所演奏的版本,並製作了以鋼琴五重奏伴奏的版本,於1994年4月10日在三得利廳舉行了「雲井雅人薩克斯風演奏會」,我還製作了鋼琴伴奏版。原始歌曲是法國奧弗涅地區的一首民歌,由康特盧布編曲。演奏時,我希望您能充分表現奧弗涅的原始節奏和色彩,我們還希望鋼琴家表現出超越樂團的色彩感。第二首歌曲「Bailero」中間的鋼琴是根據和聲進行的即興演奏,部分增加右手演奏美麗的琶音。

When I was in graduate school, I was a piano accompaniment to soprano singer Sadako Mine. The teacher's voice was brilliant and bright, and thanks to that, I learned something called "timbre". One of the repertoires that the teacher was good at is this "Chants d'Auvergne". After that, I listened to a lot of records and CDs of this song, but I never met a performance that was more colorful than the teacher. I recommended Masato Kumoi to play this song on a saxophone, and made a version accompanied by a piano quintet, and performed at "Masato Kumoi Saxophone Recital" (Suntory Hall, Small Hall) on April 10, 1994, I also made this piano accompaniment version. The original song is a folk song from France's Auvergne region, arranged by Canteloube. When playing, I want you to make the most of the original rhythm and color of Auvergne. We also want pianists to perform with a sense of color that surpasses that of an orchestra. The piano in the middle of the second song "Bailero" is an improvisation based on chords. Partly add the right hand and play beautiful arpeggios.


Alto Saxophone in E♭( doub. Soprano Saxophone in B♭)

【薩克斯風獨奏】奧弗涅之歌第一集  | オーヴェルニュの歌 第1集

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