不知何時的聖誕快樂( B'z)
YOUNG MAN 【Y.M.C.A.】(西城秀樹)│ヤングマン【Y.M.C.A.】
傳說的「演歌」組曲 伝説の「演歌」メドレー
在快速機器上的短騎乘 Short Ride in a Fast Machine
末日經 Dies Irae (From Verdi's Requiem)
喜悅之輪 Noisy Wheels of Joy
棕髮少女 The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (La fille aux cheveux de lin)
Today Is the Gift
動力屋 Powerhouse
跫音 Footsteps
民謠:剪羊毛歌 Folk Tune: Sheep Shearing Song
Molly on the Shore
奧德修斯和賽蓮 Odysseus and the Sirens (Score Only)
星際之舞 Stardance
有夠豐盛 That's a Plenty
Serenade for a Picket Fence
藍與灰 The Blue and the Gray
As One Listens to the Rain
Peterloo Overture
克羅斯蘭 Crosslands
德克斯特公園慶典 Dexter Park Celebration
斯普恩河 Spoon River
為管樂團的交響歌曲 Symphonic Songs for Band (Deluxe Edition)
誕生於光明中 O Nata Lux
敲響自由 Let Freedom Ring
Sunrise at Angel's Gate
Music for Prague (1968)
Acrostic Song (from Final Alice)
蘿拉・弗蘿莉斯 Lola Flores
堅毅 Persistence
卡哈巴舞 Cahaba Dances
小賦格 Little Fugue (Little Fugue in G Minor)
Heroes, Lost and Fallen (A Vietnam Memorial)
Children's March (“Over the Hills and Far Away”)
The Sound of Music
自由 Liberty
喜悅 Joy
羅斯羅依 Ross Roy
返回山上 Volver a la Montaña (from Islas y Montañas)
Suite of Old American Dances
合流點 Confluence
北極火 Arctic Fire
大峽谷信號曲 Grand Canyon Fanfare
野貓 El Gato Montés (The Wild Cat)
Polka and Fugue from “Schwanda, the Bagpiper”