黑暗之音 El Son de la Negra
郵報信號曲與呼喚 Fanfare and Call to the Post
銀色慶典 Silver Celebration
弗德里克的黑惡魔 Frederick's Black Devils
Canticle of the Creatures
魔法師的行進 Procession of the Sorcerers
詼諧曲:貓與老鼠 Scherzo: Cat and Mouse
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor
Ballad for Band
Eagle Squadron March
Caribbean Hideaway
Danza Sinfonica
76人長號 Seventy-Six Trombones
村莊 Villages
關係 Nexus
林中迴音 Echoes in the Woods
Broadway Showstopper Overture
Selections from The Sound of Music
Festive Fanfare for the Holidays
三首克萊茲默小品 Three Klezmer Miniatures
詭計拆穿 The Jig Is Up
球體 The Spheres
蛋糕步 Cakewalk
對我說 Speak to Me
Hymns from the Rig Veda
George Washington Bridge
不動的Do The Immovable Do
Fantasies on a Theme by Haydn
They Hung Their Harps in the Willows
A Calypso Christmas
隆隆作響高原 Rumble on the High Plains
今日是福 Today Is the Gift
神鬼奇航- 聚魂棺 Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man's Chest
主題與變奏 Variations and Theme
通道 Passages
空場回聲 Echoes of the Hollow Square
左撇子 Mancini!
喔,瓦利瓦利 O Waly Waly (A Rhapsody for Band)
沼澤兔跺腳 Swamp Rabbit Stomp
柯克派翠克的繆思 Kirkpatrick's Muse
自由之境 Land of Liberty
Pop and Rock Legends: A Tribute to Elvis
聖誕前夕 The Night Before Christmas
狂喜 Exultation