魔法黑森林精選 Selections from Into the Woods
星際之舞 Stardance
西班牙 Spain
時空裂縫 Fractures in Time
34街的奇蹟序曲 Overture to Miracle on 34th Street
有夠豐盛 That's a Plenty
Serenade for a Picket Fence
藍與灰 The Blue and the Gray
As One Listens to the Rain
Peterloo Overture
克羅斯蘭 Crosslands
德克斯特公園慶典 Dexter Park Celebration
斯普恩河 Spoon River
為管樂團的交響歌曲 Symphonic Songs for Band (Deluxe Edition)
誕生於光明中 O Nata Lux
敲響自由 Let Freedom Ring
Dry Your Tears, Afrika (勇者無懼) Dry Your Tears, Afrika (from Amistad)
加拿大銅管五重奏聖誕曲集 A Canadian Brass Christmas
Sunrise at Angel's Gate
Music for Prague (1968)
Blithe Bells
The Homefront: Musical Memories from World War II
Pop and Rock Legends: Stevie Wonder
A. B. A. 交響進行曲 A.B.A. Symphonic March
瘋狂大賽車精選 Selections from The Great Race
Andrew Lloyd Webber – A Concert Celebration (Medley)
Acrostic Song (from Final Alice)
蘿拉・弗蘿莉斯 Lola Flores
聖誕家鄉菜 Country Cookin' Christmas
後甲板進行曲 On the Quarter Deck March
The White Rose March
向美國爵士致敬 Salute to American Jazz
堅毅 Persistence
瘋狂理髮師精選 Selections from Sweeney Todd
阿凡達原聲帶精選 Avatar Soundtrack Highlights
林肯 Lincoln
卡哈巴舞 Cahaba Dances
小賦格 Little Fugue (Little Fugue in G Minor)
「魔法公主」選粹 Highlights from Princess Mononoke
聖路易藍調 St. Louis Blues
Heroes, Lost and Fallen (A Vietnam Memorial)
Children's March (“Over the Hills and Far Away”)
The Sound of Music
百老匯首映之夜 Opening Night on Broadway
自由 Liberty
喜悅 Joy
羅斯羅依 Ross Roy